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Scientific Name: Oxyuranus scutellatus


Nick Name: Atom bomb of the mice world


Distribution: Northern Australia and southern New Guinea


Habitat: savanna forests to the inland plains


Size: 6 ft long (1.8 – 3.7 m)


Nature: Venomous, very shy snake


Potency of Venom: Neurotoxin, 125 people, 2, 50,000 mice


Feeds on: Mice, rats


Appearance: long narrow head, with a thin neck and slim body, back is uniformly brown, from fawn to russet or nearly black in different localities, snout or whole head is cream with the eyes being orange; belly is yellow with reddish marks towards the throat.


Side Line:


  • Baby taipans even more deadly.
  • Australia's longest venomous snake and its fangs are by far the longest (teeth can grow to more than 12 mm).
  • Can lay a cluster of 10-20 eggs.





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